Full tour: search by number

Welcome and reception building
Interlocking Table from Barcelona’s Francia Station
Teresita locomotive
Water tanks
Swing bridge and general view of buildings and vehicles
The Rotonda (Roundhouse) building
The ships of the old repair shops
The Nave Panorámica building
Passenger car collection
Harlan car
Centennial Train and Mataró locomotive
The first steam locomotives. The drivers’ and stokers’ working conditions
Cuco series locomotive. The Chelito
Caldas locomotive. The tender
Compound 230-4001 locomotive. Numbering and wheels
Santa Fe locomotive
Mikado locomotive
Electric locomotives. The Cocodrilo
1801 diesel locomotive. Dieselisation
Talgo engines
Puente de Señales (Signals Bridge) train stop and contour track
Sculptural railway frieze by Josep Maria Subirachs
Level crossing and track maintenance material
Railway superstructure elements, signals exhibition and Puente de Pineda (Pineda Bridge) train stop
Espacio Mercancías (Freight Area)
By way of a farewell