Celebration of the XIX International Morop Congress, 1972

Reception Building, 90s

Lobby, beginning 90s

Lobby, beginning 90s

Vestibule detail at the beginning of 2000

Reception, shop and children's area, 2000s
1 - Welcome and reception building
The trip around the Catalonia Railway Museum begins in a
1970s building that was refurbished in 2018. It was
originally built as a supermarket for Renfe employees. This
type of building, known in Spanish as an “economato”
(company store), was aimed at offering basic products at
lower prices, thereby compensating for the railway workers’
low wages.
The facade –a new structure featuring a Mediterranean
lattice design– identifies the installations of the old
Steam Locomotive Depot, which now houses this heritage
centre. Just before entering the Museum, on the right, you
can see the sectioned Talgo III locomotive called “Virgen
del Carmen”; in 1966, near Seville, it set a new Spanish
speed record of 200 km/h.
The Museum’s suggested railway trip begins, as in the case
of every trip, at a station. The Museum reception is
dominated by the image of the roof and platforms of
Barcelona’s Francia Station, one of the most monument ones
in Europe.
To the right of the desk, in the audio-visual area, you can
enjoy a 10-minute film (in five spoken languages and sign
language) about the history of the world of trains in our
country. On exiting the room, in front of you there is a
multisensorial model adapted for the visually impaired,
giving them a general idea of all the historic railway
installations on display, before beginning the trip. Beside
the model and behind the desk, a timeline of the Vilanova
railway reveals the train’s outstanding role in the city and
the reason behind the Museum’s existence. To the left of the
reception there is an area where children can play and dream
with trains, called Rincón de Víctor (Victor’s Spot), as
well as a rest area with vending machines selling drinks and