26 - By way of a farewell

And now… we have come to the end of the trip. A unique and exciting trip through almost 175 years of contemporary history. Together we have breathed in the sweet smell from the chimneys of the old locomotives and been covered with soot and oil dripping from their engines, in the company of the engineers and stokers from the former Steam Locomotive Depot of Vilanova i la Geltrú. We have also been able to notice the rattling of the old wooden cars and the comfort of the deluxe or “Talgo” cars. We have travelled with repair-shop workers or level crossing attendants, as well as with the great entrepreneur and promoter of the railway in Vilanova, Francesc Gumŕ i Ferrŕn.

Thanks for coming aboard our train. Those of us who inhabit The House of Trains hope that, after becoming better acquainted with the world of trains, you will value and use the railway more. After discovering the benefits of this type of transport from its invention, getting to know all the complexity behind the railway system and the professionals that make it possible, after understanding its role, from the beginning, in improving the quality of life, in taking care of the environment, in helping to improve traffic conditions in cities or enhancing safety and saving time, we are sure that your appreciation and love for this mode of transport has grown.
We hope that you have enjoyed the trip as much as we railway lovers have enjoyed your presence.

See you soon!