The "Chelito" at the Atocha Workshops

On a pedestal at Fuente San Luis station in Valencia, 60-70s

Transfer to ARMF in Lleida

Restoration works in Lleida

Restoration works in Lleida

The "Chelito" locomotive parked at the Pla de Vilanoveta, Lleida

Arribal in Vilanova, 2019

First start-up at the Museum, 2019
13 - "Cuco" series locomotive. The "Chelito"
Manufactured in Belgium in 1885, it belongs to the series
of small tender locomotives called “Cuco.” It seems that the
one in the Museum was nicknamed “Chelito” after a famous
singer of “cuplé” songs in the early 19th century, due to
its swinging motion while moving. It was commissioned by the
MZA company to be used as a manoeuvring engine. It was used
for many years in the workshops known as Talleres Generales
de Atocha and then displayed on a pedestal in Valencia’s
Fuente San Luis freight station. In 2005, it was donated to
the ARMF (Association for the Reconstruction of Railway
Material) in Lleida, where it was completely restored to run
along the tracks of Pla de Vilanoveta.
In May 2019, thanks to a collaboration agreement, it became
part of the Museum’s collection. You can see it working in
the association’s installations one Sunday per month.