Original location at Barcelona Sants station, 90s

Arrival at the Museum, 2006

Frieze installation, 2006

First location, 2006-2017

Moving the frieze to its new location, 2018

Installing the frieze structure, 2018

Mounting the frieze in its new location, 2018
22 - Sculptural railway frieze by Josep Maria Subirachs
The sculptural frieze beside the level crossing was made
in 1979 by the prestigious contemporary sculptor Josep Maria
Subirachs. It was commissioned to identify and decorate the
north entrance of the Barcelona-Sants intermodal station.
The sculpture had to be visible at a distance, from Plaça
dels Països Catalans. To that end, the artist used 18 large
blocks weighing two tons each. It remained there until 2006,
when the station had to be enlarged to prepare it for the
arrival of high-speed trains; it was thereafter taken to be
displayed at the Museum.
For eleven years, it was placed in parallel to the Gran Nave
building. Due to refurbishing and extension work, it was
moved to its current location in the infrastructure area.
The relief, conceived by the artist as a sign identifying
the station, features variations of a wheel motif, since
this is a decisive element in railway communications and
movement. If you look closely from a certain perspective,
you will see that the artwork is figurative and not merely
decorative: the interplay of curves and counter curves of
the high reliefs forms the word "Barcelona”.