Vintage image of Vilanova´s level crossing with the attendant, 40-50s

Vilanova´s level crossing, 30-40s

Level crossing of Barcelona´s Ali Bei Street, 20-30s

Level crossing attendant giving way to a locmotive, 30-40s
23 - "Level Crossing" and track maintenance machinery
The “Level Crossing” located halfway along the bypass is
that of Roda de Mar (between the stations of Roda de Barà
and San Vicente de Calders). It was the last crossing
protected by barriers that were raised and lowered by hand,
until June 2012. The job of level crossing attendant
officially disappeared in Spain when this passing was
replaced by an automatic barrier. The cabin belongs to the
Medina del Campo-Valladolid railway line and its interior
has been contextualised with the most characteristic
elements of these structures, which identify the most
traditional railway landscape.
Most of the crossings were controlled by women. Until the
1960s, it was practically the only railway job that was not
done by men. The image of a female level crossing attendant
wearing a headscarf and holding a signal flag, accompanied
by a dog, was a classic scene well into the first half of
the last century.
Next, in the right half of the Paseo Entrevías pathway,
there are two tracks featuring a series of heavy
track-maintenance machinery made up of a tamper-leveller-aligner,
a profiler and a light variable-gauge tamper. These were
fairly sophisticated vehicles for their time (1960s and
1970s). The series was donated by the COMSA company to the
Lérida Association of Friends of the Railway in 1993, to be
maintained and displayed in this Museum.