Can you see the resemblance?

37. Cocodril locomotive
Victor, did you know that us girls started to drive
diesel and electric locomotives not so long ago? Before,
women weren’t allowed to work on the trains, but now there
are quite a few drivers and soon there will be more. They
say it’s really a really cool job. The Crocodile is a very
characteristic electric locomotive. It doesn’t work with
steam, but electricity, like most modern trains.
Yes, steam locomotives stopped being used because they
needed lots of water and coal to make them work. A
locomotive could use as much as 10,000 kilos of coal in just
one day!
And they caused a lot of pollution. Electric locomotives
generate a lot less. They make less noise than the steam
ones and are much faster... The electricity that moves them
circulates through cables that they are suspended in the air
and enter the train by a kind of roof antenna called a...
panto... pan-to-gra... PANTOGRAPH! Then, a large part of the
electricity used by the trains is returned to the electrical
grid through these cables. Can you see why trains make the
least pollution?
Now we’re going to the back part of the Crocodile and we can
walk alongside a track without cables.