Look at the black smoke!

35. Third class passenger coach
This is a carriage, or car on the train where the people
with the cheapest tickets travelled. Rich people also
travelled on the train, but in separate carriages, as we saw
on the Centenary Train. Sit down, close your eyes and
imagine for a few moments what is was like sitting on these
wooden seats on a long journey.
The wagons were full of people!
The passengers filled the aisles with luggage, food and even
animals in cages. The steam exhaust from the steam
locomotive came in through the windows, especially when the
train was passing through a tunnel, and the travellers ended
up with black faces and very dirty clothes from the smoke
and soot.
But this was before, right? Now things are very different.
Trains are comfortable and safe, and quicker! And most
importantly, they make less pollution than other vehicles.
I love travelling by train because I can go peacefully with
my friends. We can all fit inside.
And I like it because we can move, there are no traffic
jams, and you don’t have to drive around for ages looking
for a place to park.
Now that you've been inside a small locomotive cabin and a
wooden carriage, I expect you’re all looking forward to
climbing the cabin of a big locomotive, right? You are in