30 - The Small Station of Vilanova
Hi, my name is Victor and this is my friend, Carlota, and
we would like to welcome you to the Catalonia Railway
Museum, the House of Trains. It’s a thrilling place! Carlota
and I spend many weekends here, finding out lots of things
about the history of trains and their home. Today we’d like
to share them with you. Would you like that?
I’d like to start by telling you about where we are. We are
in the “Small Station of Vilanova i la Geltrú”, at the
beginning of a magical trip back in time. Ah! Vilanova is
one of the cities in Catalonia with the highest number of
people that travel by train. You must come and visit, there
is a fantastic beach, other great museums and loads of
things to do.
Victor, we’re going to be late! Let’s go, we’ll tell you
everything on the way! Friends, are you ready to take a trip
back in time and discover what the first trains in history
were like? Well you can start looking outside and give
Teresita a little wave. No, you aren’t looking for a girl.
Teresita is a locomotive, the front part of a train that
makes it possible for the passenger cars or the wagons
carrying goods to move.
If you like you can visit all the stops in the museum as if
you were a little train. That will make it lots more fun…